Heidi Rubin aka Captain Fun Fitness

I just had my first shoot with Chantal and without hesitation, i can say that it won't be my last. My experience creating with Chantal was super fun and I didn't see the time go by. She understood my uniqueness and encouraged me to be me. She came prepared with ideas that were in line with the kind of training I do for myself and the kind of coaching I do with my clients and athletes. The results are beautiful and she even put together an AWESOME reel for my social media. I can't recommend her enough... but I'll try. This was truly one of the best experiences I've had with a photographer while working with dynamic athletic movement and also, she was able to guide me for those "intense portrait shots" that ALWAYS make me feel a little strange. She helped me feel AMAZING!
Thanks buddy! Your work is sooooo good!

H.Rubin aka Captain Fun

Montréal, Québec


Blondin&Associés - Arpenteurs-Géomètres


Dr Stephanie El-Chakieh, Pharmacienne